
Seven Signs You May Need a NoSQL Database

While exploring deep into some dusty old library stacks, I dug up Nostradamus' long lost NoSQL codex. What are the chances? Strangely, it also gave the plot to the next Dan Brown novel, but I left that out for reasons of sanity. About NoSQL, here is what Nosty (his friends call him Nosty) predicted are the signs you may need a NoSQL database...

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Scaling Ambition at StackOverflow

Joel Spolsky and Jeff Atwood are raising VC money for StackOverflow. This is interesting for three reasons: 1) Joel has always seemed like a keep it small and grow organically type of guy, so this is a big step in a different direction. 2) It means they think there's a very big market in the Q&A space and they mean to capture as much as the market as possible. 3) Most importantly for this blog, Joel gives some good advice on when to stay fresh and local and when it's time to jump for the brass ring, scale up your ambition, and go for VC money. Please see Joel's blog post for the details, but here's when to go VC:

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The Amazing Collective Compute Power of the Ambient Cloud

This is an excerpt from my article Building Super Scalable Systems: Blade Runner Meets Autonomic Computing in the Ambient Cloud.

Earlier we talked about how a single botnet could harness more compute power than our largest super computers. Well, that's just the start of it. The amount of computer power available to the Ambient Cloud will be truly astounding.

2 Billion Personal Computers

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Hot Scalability Links for February 12, 2010

  1. My Life With Hbase by Lars George. The hardscabble tale of Hbase's growth from infancy to maturity. A very good introduction and overview of Hbase.
  2. NoSQL Alternatives -- Common Principles and Patterns for Building Scalable Applications. Explore the common principles behind the major NOSQL alternatives and how they compared with traditional database approach in terms of consistency, transaction and query semantics. We will also explore how we can make the transition between the two models smoothers through the support of standard interfaces such as JPA.
  3. Moore’s Law: The Future of Cloud Computing from the Bottom Up. Will Intel's 48 mega core chip change the world or be just another Spruce Goose?
  4. Rent or Own: Amazon EC2 vs. Colocation Comparison for Hadoop Clusters. It's much cheaper to own when you have a large relatively fixed size cluster and can find really cheap labor to maintain it all.
  5. A cloud in a plug - brilliant. A tiny, low-power, low-cost home server and NAS device powered by Tonido software that allows you to access your apps, files, music and media from anywhere.
  6. Seeking A Database That Doesn't Suck by Pixy Misa. Quick recap of databases that suck - or at least, suck for my purposes - and some that I'm still investigating.

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ElasticSearch - Open Source, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine

ElasticSearch is an open source, distributed, RESTful search engine built on top of Lucene. Its features include:

  • Distributed and Highly Available Search Engine.
    • Each index is fully sharded with a configurable number of shards.
    • Each shard can have zero or more replicas.
    • Read / Search operations performed on either replica shard.

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How FarmVille Scales to Harvest 75 Million Players a Month

Several readers had follow-up questions in response to this article. Luke's responses can be found in How FarmVille Scales - The Follow-up.

If real farming was as comforting as it is in Zynga's mega-hit Farmville then my family would have probably never left those harsh North Dakota winters. None of the scary bedtime stories my Grandma used to tell about farming are true in FarmVille. Farmers make money, plants grow, and animals never visit the red barn. I guess it's just that keep-your-shoes-clean back-to-the-land charm that has helped make FarmVille the "largest game in the world" in such an astonishingly short time.

How did FarmVille scale a web application to handle 75 million players a month? Fortunately FarmVille's Luke Rajlich has agreed to let us in on a few their challenges and secrets. Here's what Luke has to say...

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GEO-aware traffic load balancing and caching at CNBC.com

CNBC, like many large web sites, relied  on a CDN for content delivery.  Recently, we started looking  to see if we could improve this model.  Our criteria was:

- improve response time
- have better control over traffic (real time reporting, change management and alerting)
- better utilize internal datacenters and their infrastructure
- shield users from any troubles at the origin infrastructure
- cost out

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High Availability Principle : Concurrency Control

One important high availability principle is concurrency control.  The idea is to allow only that much traffic through to your system which your system can handle successfully.  For example: if your system is certified to handle a concurrency of 100 then the 101st request should either timeout, be asked to try later  or wait until one of the previous 100 requests finish.  The 101st request should not be allowed to negatively impact the experience of the other 100 users.  Only the 101st request should be impacted. Read more here...


Hot Scalability Links for February 4, 2010

Lots of cool stuff happening this week...

  1. Voldemort gets rebalancing. It's one thing to shard data to scale, it's a completely different level of functionality to manage those shards intelligently. Voldemort has stepped up by adding advanced rebalancing functionality: Dynamic addition of new nodes to the cluster; Deletion of nodes from cluster; Load balancing of data inside a cluster.
  2. Microsoft Finally Opens Azure for Business. Out of the blue Microsoft opens up their platform as a service service. Good to have more competition and we'll keep an eye out for experience reports.
  3. New details on LinkedIn architecture by Greg Linden. LinkedIn appears to only use caching minimally, preferring to spend their efforts and machine resources on making sure they can recompute computations quickly than on hiding poor performance behind caching layers.
  4. The end of SQL and relational databases?  by David Intersimone. For new projects, I believe, we have genuine non-relational alternatives on the table (pun intended).
  5. HipHop for PHP: Move Fast. When you make millions of widgets saving pennies per widget quickly adds up to real money. Facebook released HipHop, a PHP compiler, aimed at shaving off cycle of CPU and bytes of memory in production of their social widgets. 

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NoSQL Means Never Having to Store Blobs Again

Morgan Tocker has an awesome article and comment thread in the MySQL Performance Blog about When should you store serialized objects in the database? Before the NoSQL age is was very common to simulate schemalessness by storing blobs in MySQL. Sharding was implemented by running multiple MySQL instances and spreading writes across them. While not ideal for the purpose, developers felt comfortable with MySQL. They knew how to install it, back it up, replicate it, in short:  they knew how to make it work. Yet they also needed to store objects without the penalty of joins. Searches and aggregate queries were handled by indexes kept in separate tables, this offloaded the fast path to objects.

This all made perfect sense. Usually we just want stuff to work and going with what you know is often the best path to that goal. And what we have known is MySQL. All the different pros and cons of this approach are covered wonderfully in the post.

But the world has changed.

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