Entries in amazon (29)


Heroku Emergency Strategy: Incident Command System and 8 Hour Ops Rotations for Fresh Minds

In Resolved: Widespread Application OutageHeroku tells their story of how they dealt with the Amazon outage. While taking 100% responsibility for the downtime, they also shared a number of the strategies they used to bring their service back to full working order.

One of Heroku's most interesting strategies wasn't a technical hack at all, but how they consciously went about deploying their Ops personnel in response to the emergency. An outline of their strategy is:

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The Big List of Articles on the Amazon Outage

Updated on Friday, April 29, 2011 at 8:27AM by Registered CommenterHighScalability Team

So many great articles have been written on the Amazon Outage. Some aim at being helpful, some chastise developers for being so stupid, some chastise Amazon for being so incompetent, some talk about the pain they and their companies have experienced, and some even predict the downfall of the cloud. Still others say we have seen a sea change in future of the cloud, a prediction that's hard to disagree with, though the shape of the change remains...cloudy.

I'll try to keep this list update as more information comes out. There will be a lot for developers to consider going forward. If there's a resource you think should be added, just let me know.

Amazon's Explanation of What Happened

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Map-Reduce With Ruby Using Hadoop

Map-Reduce With Hadoop Using Ruby A demonstration, with repeatable steps, of how to quickly fire-up a Hadoop cluster on Amazon EC2, load data onto the HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File-System), write map-reduce scripts in Ruby and use them to run a map-reduce job on your Hadoop cluster. You will not need to ssh into the cluster, as all tasks are run from your local machine. Below I am using my MacBook Pro as my local machine, but the steps I have provided should be reproducible on other platforms running bash and Java.


Machine VM + Cloud API - Rewriting the Cloud from Scratch

Write a little "Hello World" program these days and it runs inside a bewildering Russian Doll of nested environments, each layer adding its own special performance and complexity tax. First, a language executes in its own environment of data structure libraries, memory management, and so on. That, more often than not, will run inside a language VM like the JVM, CLR, or V8. The language VM will in-turn run inside a process that runs inside an OS. An application will run in one or more threads inside a process. And the whole thing will run inside a machine sharing VM layer like Xen. And across all of that are frameworks for monitoring, elasticity, storage, and so on. That's a lot of overhead for a such a little program.

What if we could remove all these taxes and run directly on the new bare metal, which some consider to be a combination of Machine VM + Cloud API? That's exactly what a system called Mirage, described in the paper Turning down the LAMP: Software Specialisation for the Cloud, sets out to do by treating the cloud virtual hardware as a compiler target, and converting high-level language source code directly into kernels that run on it.

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Strategy: Order Two Mediums Instead of Two Smalls and the EC2 Buffet

Vaibhav Puranik in Web serving in the cloud – our experiences with nginx and instance sizes describes their experience trying to maximum traffic and minimum their web serving costs on EC2. Initially they tested with two m1.small instance types and then they the switched to two c1.mediums instance types. The m1s are the standard instance types and the c1s are the high CPU instance types. Obviously the mediums have greater capability, but the cost difference was interesting:

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7 Secrets to Successfully Scaling with Scalr (on Amazon) by Sebastian Stadil

This is a part interview part guest with Sebastian Stadil, founder of Scalr, a cheaper open-source version of RightScale. Scalr takes care of all the web site infrastructure bits to on Amazon (and other clouds) so you don’t have to.

I first met Sebastian at one of the original Silicon Valley Cloud Computing Group meetups, a group which he founded. The meetings started in the tiny offices of Intalio where Sebastian was working with this new fangled Amazon thing to create an auto-scaling server farm on EC2. I remember distinctly how Sebastian met everyone at the door with a handshake and a smile, making us all feel welcome. Later I took one of the classes he created on how to use AWS. I guess he figured all this cloud stuff was going somewhere and decided to start Scalr.

My only regret about this post is that the name Amazon does not begin with the letter ‘S’, that would have made for an epic title.

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Damn, Which Database do I Use Now?

With so many database options available these days, like for the rest of life, it's natural to wonder how it all fits together. Amazon complicated, or rather expanded the available options by introducing RDS, their relational database service. RDS is MySQL safely cocooned as a manageable cloud element, resting boldly within an energy providing elastic CPU pool, supported by a virtually infinite supply of very capable virtualized storage .

MySQL in AWS is now easy to start, stop, monitor, backup, snapshot, expand, and effortlessly move up and down the instance hierarchy. What it's not, contrary to what you might expect, is a scale-out solution, it's a scale-up solution. You get more by buying a bigger instance, not by horizontally adding more instances. There's a limit. Admittedly a larger limit now with Amazon's new high memory instances.

That's OK, well maybe not for people who helped grow Amazon's ecosystem by offering a similar product, but so many projects use MySQL that this is a big win for a lot of people. It makes life easier even if the promise of infinite relational database storage is yet to be realized.

If one of the reasons you were considering using a Platform as a Service is to knock the database item off your worry list, RDS is one more reason to consider playing your own general contractor and orchestrating all the elements together yourself. As more services become packaged into cloud capable components this is likely how many systems will be bolted together in the future.

But we are left wondering, how RDS fits together with SimpleDB and all the other database options?

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eHarmony.com describes how they use Amazon EC2 and MapReduce 

This slide show presents eHarmony.com experience (one of the biggest dating sites out there) in using Amazon EC2 and MapReduce to scale their service.

Go to the Slideshare presentation


Google App Engine plus Amazon AWS: Best of both worlds

Google App Engine (GAE) is focused on making development easy, but limits your options. Amazon Web Services is focused on making development flexible, but complicates the development process. Real enterprise applications require both of these paradigms to achieve success… What we really want is the flexibility of AWS and the simplicity of GAE.

For the rest of the post see http://natishalom.typepad.com/nati_shaloms_blog/2009/06/google-app-engine-plus-amazon-aws-best-of-both-worlds.html


HotPads Shows the True Cost of Hosting on Amazon

Mather Corgan, president of HotPads, gave a great talk on how HotPads uses AWS to run their real estate search engine. I loved the presentation for a few reasons:

  • It gives real costs on on their servers, how many servers they have, what they are used for, and exactly how they use S2, EBS, CloudFront and other AWS services. This is great information for anybody trying to architect a system and wondering where to run it.
  • HotPads is a "real" application. It's a small company and at 4.5 million page-views/month it's large but not super large. It has custom server side components like indexing engines, image processing, and background database update engines for syncing new real estate data. And it also stores a lot of images and has low latency requirements.

    This a really good example mix of where many companies are or would like to be with their applications.

    Their total costs are about $11K/month, which is about what they were paying at their previous provider. I found this is a little surprising as I thought the cloud would be more expensive, but they only pay for what they need instead of having to over provision for transient uses like testing. And some servers aren't necessary anymore as EBS handles backups so database slave servers are no longer required.

    There are lots more lessons like this that I've abstracted down below.

    Site: http://hotpads.com - a map-based real estate search engine, listing homes for sale, apartments, condos, and rental houses.


  • 800,000 visits/month
  • 4.5 million page-views/month
  • 3.5 million real-estate listings updated daily


  • Java
  • MySQL
  • AWS


  • EC2 - $7400/month - run 20 of various size instances at anyone time. Most work is in the background processing of images, not web serving.
    * $150: 2 Small HAProxy Load Balancers - 2 for failover, these have the elastic IPs, round robin DNS point at the elastic IPs.
    * $1,200: 3-5 Large Tomcat Web Servers - an array of 3 run at night and 5 during the day.
    * $1,500: 5 Large Tomcat Job Servers
    * $900: 1 X-Large 1 Large Index Server - used to power property search and have several GB of RAM for the JVM
    * $1,200: 1 X-Large 2 Large MySQL masters
    * $1,200: 1 X-Large 2 Large MySQL slaves
    * $300: 1 Large Messaging Server ActiveMQ - will be replaced with SQS
    * $300: 1 Large Map tile creation servers Tilecache
    * $600: Development/testing/migration/ servers
  • S3 - $1500/month - few hundred million objects for files for maps and real-estate listing photos. 4TB of database backup stored as EBS diffs ($600/month).
  • Elastic Block Storage - $500/month
  • CloudFront - $460/month - is used to serve static files and map files throughout the world. It serves static files, map tiles, and listing photos.
  • Elastic IP Addresses - $8/month
  • RightScale - $500/month - used for management and deployment.

    Lessons Learned

  • Major reason for choosing EC2 was the cloud API which allows adding servers at any time. In their previous hosting service they had to prepay for a month at a time so they would order the minimum necessary to get by that month. That doesn't leave room for servers for development, test, preview servers for customers or making live database servers upgrades (which requires 2x servers)?
  • Overall cost is about the same as with previous hosting site but the overall speed of development and ease of management is night and day different. Getting more servers and lots more flexibility.
  • HotPads is a small company and doesn't think added trouble of colocation isn't worth it for them yet.
  • Advantage of Amazon over something like Google App Engine is that Amazon allows you to innovate by building your own services on your own machines.
  • S3 is better for larger objects because for small files that are not viewed often the cost of puts outweighs everything. Not a cache to use for short lived objects because the put costs start to dominate.
    * For a 67 KB object (600 px image) which is where the cost of putting an image into S3 equals the cost of storing it there and about equal the cost of storing it once.
    * For a 6.7 KB object (15 px thumb nail) the put (small fee for putting an object into S3) cost is 10x the storage transfer costs.
  • Costs have to figured into the algorithms you use.
    * In April 330 GB of images downloaded at $.15/GB cost $49. 55mm GETs at $1/mm cost $55. 42mm PUTs at $1/1k cost $420!
    * $100 download and GETs of maptiles.
    * So S3 very cheap for larger files, watch out for lots of short lived small files.
  • CloudFront is 10 times faster than S3 but is more expensive for infrequently viewed files.
    * Makes frequently viewed listings faster.
    * For infrequently viewed listings the CloudFront has to go to S3 to get the file the first time which means you have to pay twice for a file that will be viewed only once.
  • EBS
    * Used on database servers because it's faster than local storage (especially for random writes), blocks of data redundant, and supports easy backups and versioning via cloning.
    * Only 10% cost overhead.
    * Allowed them to get rid of second set of slaves because the backups were so CPU intensive they had to have slaves to do the backups. EBS allows snapshots of running drives so the extra slaves are unnecessary.
    * Databases are I/O bound and the CPU is vastly underutilized so there's extra capacity when you need it.
  • SimpleDB - not using, pretty proprietary. May be of value because you only pay for what you use given how under utilized your own database servers can be.
  • Reserved Instances
    * 1 year for the cost of 6 months and guaranteed (denied one time) to get an instance.
    * Con is tied to an instance type and they want more flexibility to choose instance types as their software changes and take advantage of new instance types as they are released.
  • Rather than having dedicated memcached machines they've scavenged 8 GB of memory from their existing servers.

    Related Sites

  • AWS Start-Up Event DC 2009: HotPads On AWS Slideshow.
  • Cloud Programming Directly Feeds Cost Allocation Back into Software Design
  • AWS Elastic Load Balancer Tutorial