Entries in Product (120)


Disks Ain't Dead Yet: GraphChi - a disk-based large-scale graph computation

GraphChi uses a Parallel Sliding Windows method which can: process a graph with mutable edge values efficiently from disk, with only a small number of non-sequential disk accesses, while supporting the asynchronous model of computation.

The result is graphs with billions of edges can be processed on just a single machine. It uses a vertex-centric computation model similar to Pregel, which supports iterative algorithims as apposed to the batch style of MapReduce. Streaming graph updates are supported.

About GraphChi, Carlos Guestrin, codirector of Carnegie Mellon's Select Lab, says:

A Mac Mini running GraphChi can analyze Twitter's social graph from 2010—which contains 40 million users and 1.2 billion connections—in 59 minutes. "The previous published result on this problem took 400 minutes using a cluster of about 1,000 computers

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Snooze - Open-source, Scalable, Autonomic, and Energy-efficient VM Management for Private Clouds

Snooze is an open-source, scalable, autonomic, and energy-efficient virtual machine (VM) management framework for private clouds. Similarly to other VM management frameworks such as Nimbus, OpenNebula, Eucalyptus, and OpenStack it allows to build compute infrastructures from virtualized resources. Particularly, once installed and configured users can submit and control the life-cycle of a large number of VMs. However, contrary to existing frameworks for scalability and fault tolerance, Snooze employs a self-organizing and healing (based on Apache ZooKeper) hierarchical architecture. Moreover, it performs distributed VM management and is designed to be energy efficient. Therefore, it implements features to monitor and estimate VM resource (CPU, memory, network Rx, network Tx) demands, detect and resolve overload/underload situations, perform dynamic VM consolidation through live migration, and finally power management to save energy. Last but not least, it integrates a generic scheduler which allows to implement any VM placement algorithms. The system can be either used to manage production data centers or as an experimental testbed for advanced (i.e. requiring live migration support) VM placement algorithms.

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Akaros - an open source operating system for manycore architectures

If you are interested in future foward OS designs then you might find Akaros worth a look. It's an operating system designed for many-core architectures and large-scale SMP systems, with the goals of:

  • Providing better support for parallel and high-performance applications
  • Scaling the operating system to a large number of cores 

A more indepth explanation of the motiviation behind Akaros can be found in Improving Per-Node Efficiency in the Datacenter with NewOS Abstractions by Barret Rhoden, Kevin Klues, David Zhu, and Eric Brewer.

The abstract:

We believe datacenters can benefit from more focus on per-node efficiency, performance, and predictability, versus the more common focus so far on scalability to a large number of nodes. Improving per-node efficiency decreases costs and fault recovery because fewer nodes are required for the same amount of work. We believe that the use of complex, general-purpose operating systems is a key contributing factor to these inefficiencies.


Traditional operating system abstractions are ill-suited for high performance and parallel applications, especially on large-scale SMP and many-core architectures. Datacenter nodes ought to run customized operating systems to help applications to utilize the full potential of the underlying hardware. We propose four key ideas that help to overcome these limitations. These ideas are built on a philosophy of exposing as much information to applications as possible and giving them the tools necessary to take advantage of that information to run more efficiently. In short, high-performance applications need to be able to peer through layers of virtualization in the software stack to optimize their behavior. We explore abstractions based on these ideas and discuss how we build them in the context of a new operating system called Akaros. 


Ansible - A Simple Model-Driven Configuration Management and Command Execution Framework

This is guest post by Michael DeHaan (@laserllama), a software developer and architect, on Ansible, a simple deployment, model-driven configuration management, and command execution framework.

I owe High Scalability a great deal of credit for the idea behind my latest software project. I was reading about how an older tool I helped create, Func, was used at Tumblr, and it kicked some ideas into gear. This article is about what happened from that idea.

My observation, which the article reinforced, was that many shops end up using a configuration management tool (Puppet, Chef, cfengine), a separate deployment tool (Capistrano, Fabric) and yet another separate ad-hoc task execution tool (Func, pssh, etc) because one class of tool historically hasn't been good at all three jobs.

My other observation (not from the article) was that the whole "infrastructure as code" movement, while revolutionary, and definitely great for many, was probably secretly grating on a good number of systems administrators. As a software developer, I myself can emphasize -- the software design/development/testing process is frequently painful, and I would rather think of infrastructure as being data-driven. Data is supposed to be simple, programs are often not. This is why I made Ansible.

Ansible: How is it Different?

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Hazelcast 2.0: Big Data In-Memory

As it is said in the recent article "Google: Taming the Long Latency Tail - When More Machines Equals Worse Results" , latency variability has greater impact in larger scale clusters where a typical request is composed of multiple distributed/parallel requests. The overall response time dramatically decreases if latency of each request is not consistent and low. 

In dynamically scalable partitioned storage systems, whether it is a NoSQL database, filesystem or in-memory data grid, changes in the cluster (adding or removing a node) can lead to big data moves in the network to re-balance the cluster. Re-balancing will be needed for both primary and backup data on those nodes. If a node crashes for example, dead node’s data has to be re-owned (become primary) by other node(s) and also its backup has to be taken immediately to be fail-safe again. Shuffling MBs of data around has a negative effect in the cluster as it consumes your valuable resources such as network, CPU and RAM. It might also lead to higher latency of your operations during that period.

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Peregrine - A Map Reduce Framework for Iterative and Pipelined Jobs

The Peregrine falcon is a bird of prey, famous for its high speed diving attacks, feeding primarily on much slower Hadoops. Wait, sorry, it is Kevin Burton of Spinn3r's new Peregrine project--a new FAST modern map reduce framework optimized for iterative and pipelined map reduce jobs--that feeds on Hadoops.

If you don't know Kevin, he does a lot of excellent technical work that he's kind enough to share it on his blog. Only he hasn't been blogging much lately, he's been heads down working on Peregrine. Now that Peregrine has been released, here's a short email interview with Kevin on why you might want to take up falconry, the ancient sport of MapReduce.

What does Spinn3r do that Peregrine is important to you?

For the rest of the interview please click below...

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Big Iron Returns with BigMemory

This is a guest post by Greg Luck Founder and CTO, Ehcache Terracotta Inc. Note: this article contains a bit too much of a product pitch, but the points are still generally valid and useful.

The legendary Moore’s Law, which states that the number of transistors that can be placed inexpensively on an integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years, has held true since 1965. It follows that integrated circuits will continue to get smaller, with chip fabrication currently at a minuscule 22nm process (1). Users of big iron hardware, or servers that are dense in terms of CPU power and memory capacity, benefit from this trend as their hardware becomes cheaper and more powerful over time. At some point soon, however, density limits imposed by quantum mechanics will preclude further density increases.

At the same time, low-cost commodity hardware influences enterprise architects to scale their applications horizontally, where processing is spread across clusters of low-cost commodity servers. These clusters present a new set of challenges for architects, such as tricky distributed computing problems, added complexity and increased management costs. However, users of big iron and commodity servers are on a collision course that’s just now becoming apparent.

Until recently, Moore’s Law resulted in faster CPUs, but physical constraints—heat dissipation, for example—and computer requirements force manufacturers to place multiple cores to single CPU wafers. Increases in memory, however, are unconstrained by this type of physical requirement. For instance, today you can purchase standard Von Neumann servers from Oracle, Dell and HP with up to 2TB of physical RAM and 64 cores. Servers with 32 cores and 512GB of RAM are certainly more typical, but it’s clear that today’s commodity servers are now “big iron” in their own right.

This trend begs the question: can you now avoid the complexity of scaling out over large clusters of computers, and instead do all your processing on a single, more powerful node? The answer, in theory, is “Yes”—until you take into account the problem with large amounts of memory in Java.

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Colmux - Finding Memory Leaks, High I/O Wait Times, and Hotness on 3000 Node Clusters

Todd had originally posted an entry on collectl here at Collectl - Performance Data Collector. Collectl collects real-time data from a large number of subsystems like buddyinfo, cpu, disk, inodes, infiniband, lustre, memory, network, nfs, processes, quadrics, slabs, sockets and tcp, all using one tool and in one consistent format.

Since then a lot has happened.  It's now part of both Fedora and Debian distros, not to mention several others. There has also been a pretty good summary written up by Joe Brockmeier. It's also pretty well documented (I like to think) on sourceforge. There have also been a few blog postings by Martin Bach on his blog.

Anyhow, awhile back I released a new version of collectl-utils and gave a complete face-lift to one of the utilities, colmux, which is a collectl multiplexor.  This tool has the ability to run collectl on multiple systems, which in turn send all their output back to colmux.  Colmux then sorts the output on a user-specified column and reports the 'top-n' results.  

For example, here's an example of the top users of slab memory from a 41 node sample:

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LevelDB - Fast and Lightweight Key/Value Database From the Authors of MapReduce and BigTable

LevelDB is an exciting new entrant into the pantheon of embedded databases, notable both for its pedigree, being authored by the makers of the now mythical Google MapReduce and BigTable products, and for its emphasis on efficient disk based random access using log-structured-merge (LSM) trees. 

The plan is to keep LevelDB fairly low-level. The intention is that it will be a useful building block for higher-level storage systems. Basho is already investigating using LevelDB as one if its storage engines.

In the past many systems were built around embedded databases, though most developers now use database servers connected to via RPCs. An embedded database is a database distributed as a library and linked directly into your application. The application is responsible for providing a service level API, sharding, backups, initiating consistency checking, initiation rollback,  startup, shutdown, queries, etc. Applications become the container for the database and the manager of the database.

Architectures using embedded databases typically never expose a raw database abstraction at all. They have a service API and the services use the embedded database library call transparently behind the scene. Often an embedded database will provide multiple access types, like indexed access for key-value uses and btrees for range queries and cursors. 

BerkelyDB is one well known example of an embedded database, SQLite is another, the file system is perhaps the most commonly used database, and there have been many many other btree libraries in common use. I've used C-tree on several projects. In a battle of old versus new, a user named IM46 compared Leveldb to BerkelyDB and found that LevelDB solidly outperforms Berkeley DB for larger databases.

Programmers usually thought doing this stuff was easy, wrote their own failed on-disk btree library (raises hand), and then look around for a proven product. It's only relatively recently the databases have gone up market and included a network layer and higher level services.

Building a hybrid application/database architecture is still a very viable option when you want everything to be just so. If you are going to load balance requests across sharded application servers anyway, using a heavy weight external database infrastructure may not be necessary.

The LevelDB mailing list started off very active and has died down a bit, but is still nicely active and informative. Here are some excellent FAQish tips, performance suggestions, and porting issues extracted from the list:

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A Practical Guide to Varnish - Why Varnish Matters

This is a guest post by Jeff Su from Factual.

What is Varnish?

Varnish is an open source, high performance http accelerator that sits in front of a web stack and caches pages.  This caching layer is very configurable and can be used for both static and dynamic content.

One great thing about Varnish is that it can improve the performance of your website without requiring any code changes.  If you haven’t heard of Varnish (or have heard of it, but haven’t used it), please read on.  Adding Varnish to your stack can be completely noninvasive, but if you tweak your stack to play along with some of varnish’s more advanced features, you’ll be able to increase performance by orders of magnitude.

Some of the high profile companies using Varnish include: TwitterFacebookHeroku and LinkedIn.

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