Entries in databases (22)


Using SSD as a Foundation for New Generations of Flash Databases - Nati Shalom

“You just can't have it all” is a phrase that most of us are accustomed to hearing and that many still believe to be true when discussing the speed, scale and cost of processing data. To reach high speed data processing, it is necessary to utilize more memory resources which increases cost. This occurs because price increases as memory, on average, tends to be more expensive than commodity disk drive. The idea of data systems being unable to reliably provide you with both memory and fast access—not to mention at the right cost—has long been debated, though the idea of such limitations was cemented by computer scientist, Eric Brewer, who introduced us to the CAP theorem.

The CAP Theorem and Limitations for Distributed Computer Systems

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MemSQL Architecture - The Fast (MVCC, InMem, LockFree, CodeGen) and Familiar (SQL)

This is an interview with MemSQL cofounder’s Eric Frenkiel and Nikita Shamgunov, in which they try to answer critics by going into more depth about their technology.

MemSQL ruffled a few feathers with their claim of being the fastest database in the world. According to their benchmarks MemSQL can execute 200K TPS on an EC2 Quadruple Extra Large and on a 64 core machine they can push 1.2 million transactions a second.

Benchmarks are always a dark mirror, so make of them what you will, but the target market for MemSQL is clear: projects looking for something both fast and familiar. Fast as in a novel design using a combination of technologies like MVCC, code generation, lock-free data structures, skip lists, and in-memory execution. Familiar as in SQL and nothing but SQL. The only interface to MemSQL is SQL.

It’s right to point out MemSQL gets a boost by being a first release. Only a limited subset of SQL is supported, neither replication or sharding are implemented yet, and writes queue in memory before flushing to disk. The next release will include a baseline distributed system, native replication, n-way joins, and subqueries. Maintaining performance as more features are added is a truer test.

And MemSQL is RAM based, so of course it’s fast, right? Even among in-memory databases MemSQL hopes to convince you they’ve made some compelling design choices. The reasoning for their design goes something like:

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LevelDB - Fast and Lightweight Key/Value Database From the Authors of MapReduce and BigTable

LevelDB is an exciting new entrant into the pantheon of embedded databases, notable both for its pedigree, being authored by the makers of the now mythical Google MapReduce and BigTable products, and for its emphasis on efficient disk based random access using log-structured-merge (LSM) trees. 

The plan is to keep LevelDB fairly low-level. The intention is that it will be a useful building block for higher-level storage systems. Basho is already investigating using LevelDB as one if its storage engines.

In the past many systems were built around embedded databases, though most developers now use database servers connected to via RPCs. An embedded database is a database distributed as a library and linked directly into your application. The application is responsible for providing a service level API, sharding, backups, initiating consistency checking, initiation rollback,  startup, shutdown, queries, etc. Applications become the container for the database and the manager of the database.

Architectures using embedded databases typically never expose a raw database abstraction at all. They have a service API and the services use the embedded database library call transparently behind the scene. Often an embedded database will provide multiple access types, like indexed access for key-value uses and btrees for range queries and cursors. 

BerkelyDB is one well known example of an embedded database, SQLite is another, the file system is perhaps the most commonly used database, and there have been many many other btree libraries in common use. I've used C-tree on several projects. In a battle of old versus new, a user named IM46 compared Leveldb to BerkelyDB and found that LevelDB solidly outperforms Berkeley DB for larger databases.

Programmers usually thought doing this stuff was easy, wrote their own failed on-disk btree library (raises hand), and then look around for a proven product. It's only relatively recently the databases have gone up market and included a network layer and higher level services.

Building a hybrid application/database architecture is still a very viable option when you want everything to be just so. If you are going to load balance requests across sharded application servers anyway, using a heavy weight external database infrastructure may not be necessary.

The LevelDB mailing list started off very active and has died down a bit, but is still nicely active and informative. Here are some excellent FAQish tips, performance suggestions, and porting issues extracted from the list:

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VoltDB Decapitates Six SQL Urban Myths and Delivers Internet Scale OLTP in the Process

What do you get when you take a SQL database and start a new implementation from scratch, taking advantage of the latest research and modern hardware? Mike Stonebraker, the sword wielding Johnny Appleseed of the database world, hopes you get something like his new database, VoltDB: a pure SQL, pure ACID, pure OLTP, shared nothing, sharded, scalable, lockless, open source, in-memory DBMS, purpose-built for running hundreds of thousands of transactions a second. VoltDB claims to be 100 times faster than MySQL, up to 13 times faster than Cassandra, and 45 times faster than Oracle, with near-linear scaling.

Will VoltDB kill off the new NoSQL upstarts? Will VoltDB cause a mass extinction of ancient databases? Probably no and no to both questions, but it's a product with a definite point-of-view and is worth a look as the transaction component in your system. But will it be right for you? Let's see...

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Product: dbShards - Share Nothing. Shard Everything.

I met the CodeFutures folks, makers of dbShards, at Gluecon. They occupy an interesting niche in the database space, somewhere between NoSQL, which jettisons everything SQL, and high end analytics platforms that completely rewrite the backend while keeping a SQL facade.

High concept: I think of dbShards as a sort of commercial OLTP mashup of features from HSCALE (partitioning) + MySQL Proxy (transparent intermediate layer) + Memcached (client side sharding) + Gigaspaces (parallel query) + MySQL (transactions).

You may find dbShards interesting if you are looking to keep SQL, need scale out writes and reads, need out of the box parallel query capabilities, and would prefer to use a standard platform like MySQL as a base. To learn more about dbShards I asked Cory Isaacson (CEO and CTO) a few devastatingly difficult questions (not really).

Who are you, what is dbShards, and what problem was dbShards created to solve?

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End-To-End Performance Study of Cloud Services

Cloud computing promises a number of advantages for the deployment of data-intensive applications. Most prominently, these include reducing cost with a pay-as-you-go business model and (virtually) unlimited throughput by adding servers if the workload increases. At the Systems Group, ETH Zurich, we did an extensive end-to-end performance study to compare the major cloud offerings regarding their ability to fulfill these promises and their implied cost.

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Terrastore - Scalable, elastic, consistent document store.

Terrastore is a new-born document store which provides advanced scalability and elasticity features without sacrificing consistency.

Here are a few highlights:

  • Ubiquitous: based on the universally supported HTTP protocol.
  • Distributed: nodes can run and live everywhere on your network.
  • Elastic: you can add and remove nodes dynamically to/from your running cluster with no downtime and no changes at all to your configuration.
  • Scalable at the data layer: documents are partitioned and distributed among your nodes, with automatic and transparent re-balancing when nodes join and leave.
  • Scalable at the computational layer: query and update operations are distributed to the nodes which actually holds the queried/updated data, minimizing network traffic and spreading computational load.
  • Consistent: providing per-document consistency, you're guaranteed to always get the latest value of a single document, with read committed isolation for concurrent modifications.
  • Schemaless: providing a collection-based interface holding JSON documents with no pre-defined schema, you can just create your collections and put everything you want into.
  • Easy operations: install a fully working cluster in just a few commands and no XML to edit.
  • Features rich: support for push-down predicates, range queries and server-side update functions.

Read, participate, download and clone it!


Against all the odds

This article not about Mariah Carey, or its song. It's about Storing System, Database.

First let's describe what means by odds: In my social network, I found 93% of the mainstream developers sanctify the database, or at least consider it in any data persistence challenge as the ultimate, superhero, and undefeatable solution.

I think this problem come from the education, personally, and some companies also I think it's involved in this.

To start to fix this bad thinking, we all should agree in the following points:

  • Every challenge have its own solutions, so whatever you want to save/persistent, there are always many solutions. For example the Web search engines, such as: Google, Kngine, Yahoo, Bing don't use database at all instead we use Indexes (Index file) for better performance.
  • The Database in general whatever the vendor it's slow compared with other solutions such as: Key-Value storing system, Index file, DHT.
  • The Database currently employ Relation Data model, or Object relational data model, so don't convince yourself to save non-relation data into relation data model store system such as: Database.
  • The Database system architecture didn't changed very much in last 30 years, and it's content a lot of limits, and fails in its performance, scalability character. If you don't believe me check out this papers:
  1. The End of an Architectural Era (It's Time for a Complete Rewrite)

  2. Dryad: Distributed Data-Parallel Programs from Sequential Building Blocks

I hope if you agreed with me in the previous points. So the question do we really need Database in every application?

There are many scenario shouldn't use Database resisters, such as: Web search engine, Caching, File sharing system, DNS system, etc. In the other hand there many of scenarios should use Database, such as: Customer database, Address book, ERP, etc.

Tiny URL services for example, shouldn't use Database at all because it's require very simple needs, just map a small/tiny URL to the real/big URL. If you start agreed with me, you likely want ask: But what we can use beside or instead of Databases?

There are a lot of tools that fallowing CAP, BASE model, instead of ACID model. But first let's describe ACID:

  • Atomicity: A transaction is all or nothing
  • Consistency: Only valid data is written to the database
  • Isolation: Pretend all transactions are happening serially and the data is correct
  • Durability: what you write is what you get
  1. The problem with ACID is that it gives you too much; it trips you up when you are trying to scale a system across multiple nodes.

  2. Down time is unacceptable. So your system needs to be reliable. Reliability requires multiple nodes to handle machine failures.

  3. To make scalable systems that can handle lots and lots of reads and writes you need many more nodes.

  4. Once you try to scale ACID across many machines you hit problems with network failures and delays. The algorithms don't work in a distributed environment at any acceptable speed.

In other hand CAP model is about:

  • Consistency: Your data is correct all the time. What you write is what you read.

  • Availability: You can read and write and write your data all the time.

  • Partition Tolerance: If one or more nodes fails the system still works and becomes consistent when the system comes on-line.
  1. CAP is easy to scale, distribute. CAP is scalable by nature.

  2. Everyone who builds big applications builds them on CAP. Who use CAP: Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Kngine, Amazon, eBay, etc.

For example in any in-memory or in-disk caching system you will never need all the Database features. You just need CAP like system. Today there are a lot of: column oriented, and key-value oriented systems. But first let's describe Column oriented:

A column-oriented is a database management system (DBMS) which stores its content by column rather than by row. This has advantages for databases such as data warehouses and library catalogues, where aggregates are computed over large numbers of similar data items. This approach is contrasted with row-oriented databases and with correlation databases, which use a value-based storage structure. For more information check Wikipedia page.

Distributed key-value stores:

Distributed column stores (Bigtable-like systems):

Something a little different:



Podcast about Facebook's Cassandra Project and the New Wave of Distributed Databases

In this podcast, we interview Jonathan Ellis about how Facebook's open sourced Cassandra Project took lessons learned from Amazon's Dynamo and Google's BigTable to tackle the difficult problem of building a highly scalable, always available, distributed data store.


Paper: Graph Databases and the Future of Large-Scale Knowledge Management

Relational databases, document databases, and distributed hash tables get most of the hype these days, but there's another option: graph databases. Back to the future it seems. Here's a really interesting paper by Marko A. Rodriguez introducing the graph model and it's extension to representing the world wide web of data.

Modern day open source and commercial graph databases can store on the order of 1 billion relationships with some databases reaching the 10 billion mark. These developments are making the graph database practical for applications that require large-scale knowledge structures. Moreover, with
the Web of Data standards set forth by the Linked Data community, it is possible to interlink graph databases across the web into a giant global knowledge structure. This talk will discuss graph databases, their underlying data model, their querying mechanisms, and the benefits of the graph data structure for modeling and analysis.